Thinking of Weaving for the Annual Sale?
Interested in learning more about one of the greatest perks of being a WGB member? The Sale Committee is holding two informational Zoom sessions about how guild members can submit work for the annual sale in November.

Questions? Send an email to
Founded in 1922, the Weavers' Guild of Boston is the oldest weavers' guild in the United States. With over 300 members worldwide, our monthly meetings aim to educate members and the general public in the artistic and technical aspects of handweaving and to advance the standards of handweaving.
Members also enjoy a choice of two to four workshops each meeting (workshop registration begins August 15), a quarterly Bulletin (which includes a handweaving draft with instructions), an extensive library, a Ratings program, Education Grants, special extended workshops, and participation in our Annual Sale.
The Guild meets the second Wednesday of the month from September to November and from February to May. Guests are always welcome.

in the 2018-2019 Creativity Game, each of the 30 members who participated was dealt 4 cards defining the item they were to weave - Technique, Design, Color and Fiber. This scarf was woven by Nancy Flood.
Yearly Guild Challenges is one of the many benefits of membership in the Weavers' Guild of Boston.
Weavers' Guild of Boston publications - Click to purchase!
Read the stories behind the photos in Interpreting Change: Weavers' Guild of Boston 1922-2022, the Fuller Craft Museum Catalog
Now on Sale - Just $12.00!