Teaching Opportunity at the Fuller Craft Museum
Fuller Craft Museum is now accepting class proposals from teaching artists for summer 2025. Artists and makers of all disciplines can propose a class; we are especially excited to potentially expand our fiber and weaving offerings.
Priority deadline is March 15th. Submitting class proposals by April 1st is strongly recommended. Email Charlie, Learning Programs Coordinator, at cbest@fullercraft.org for questions.
To apply, please read the "Mixed Media Instructor" document thoroughly, and scroll to 'How to Apply' for next steps.
The Weavers' Guild of Boston encourages its members to demonstrate weaving at fairs, festivals, and other events and work with educational and social welfare organizations to spread knowledge of and appreciation for the craft. We also support Plimoth-Patuxet Museums with handwoven articles for the Living History village.

Yarn Sale at the April Meeting
WGB will have a Members Only YARN and EQUIPMENT SALE at the April, 2025 Guild meeting. Bring your unwanted yarn, looms, equipment, accessories, etc. to the meeting to sell to other members. This is also a fundraiser for the Guild since 20% of any sale will be donated to WGB.
Information for members on How to Participate on the Members Only/Programs page.
Non-Members are welcome to the meeting and to shop!
Gifts to the Weavers' Guild of Boston
Our Guild enjoys many generous gifts from our members and the public. We greatly appreciate these gifts, as the proceeds support the Guild. The following guidelines govern the Guild’s acceptance of weaving related items.
The donor may send a request and/or pictures of weaving equipment, and/or fiber supplies to the Guild at weaversguildofboston@gmail.com.
A member/team will arrange a visit to assess the condition before accepting the items. Items will be tagged, inventoried, and photographed.
Equipment or supplies, once approved and accepted, must be delivered by the donor to the treasurer’s home in Leominster, MA.
Yarn is not being accepted at this time, due to current overload and maxed out storage capacity. Swanson’s Fabrics in Turners Falls, MA accepts yarn donations. https://www.swansonsfabrics.com/donations
Proceeds derived from the sale of donated items remains the sole property of the Weavers’ Guild of Boston. The Guild will no longer maintain the role of sales agent for estate property, or reimburse a percentage of the proceeds to an outside party estate.