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2024-2025 Educational Program

See what we have planned for you!

Registration will open August 15th.  Make your plans now!

Our meetings are now all in-person, but you may register to attend by Zoom instead if you prefer. Zoom registration is now open.

Three-Day Workshop, March 13-15, 2025 with Robbie Lafleur

Frida Hansen’s Transparent Tapestry Technique 

Weaving Teachers

WGB connects people seeking weaving instruction with guild members who teach. 

Education Grants

Any guild member in good standing with at least one year's membership may apply for an Education Grant. 

New Guild Challenge for 2024-2025

A new guild challenge has been issued for the 2023-2024 year.  Members may find complete details on the Members Only tab under 'Programs'.

The Weavers’ Guild of Boston Study Groups 

As a benefit to membership and a continuation of our educational charter, the Guild is creating a Study Group program. The Study Group program will be overseen by a Study Group Coordinator, and each Study Group will be independently organized by a Study Group Manager.  Each Study Group will have a section on the website for their private use; to share images or ideas, organize meetings, set up guidelines and topics, etc.


In a Study Group, everyone is a student and everyone is a teacher.  A Study Group is not a class, but is a gathering to share ideas and learning experiences.  We hope our members will want to join in.

Current Study Groups:

New and Occasional Weavers (NOW)

From Now On Study Group

NEW!  Scandinavian Weaves Study Group

Ratings Program

The Guild offers a weaving ratings program for full members.  Three levels may be achieved by a weaver:  Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master.  The program is a valuable study guide which offers critical analysis of your work as you progress and bestows recognition on those who meet the standards.

Ratings Cover.jpg

Shannon Mathers - Master Weaver 2020


The Weavers' Guild of Boston is proud to offer copies of the Fuller Craft Museum Exhibit Catalog for the 100th Celebration, our 90th Anniversary book, Interlaced, and several monographs written by members.

WGB Catalog-sm.jpeg


The WGB Library is a great collection of more than 1500 books, sample sets, DVDs and videos. We are open to all Guild members on in-person guild meeting days. Visit us on the 3rd floor of the Church from 9:30 AM until 12:30 PM (or whenever the business meeting starts). You can browse the shelves and borrow books. Our catalog is available online to view from home.

Members' Samples
November 2024 - Helen Sandoz

Members - click on photo to view the draft.

Please consider weaving a sample for the Guild!

Information on the Members Only Programs page.

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© 2024 by The Weavers' Guild of Boston.

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