The Weavers’ Guild of Boston Study Groups
As a benefit to membership and a continuation of our educational charter, the Guild is creating a Study Group program. The Study Group program will be overseen by a Study Group Coordinator, and each Study Group will be independently organized by a Study Group Manager. Each Study Group will have a section on the website for their private use; to share images or ideas, organize meetings, set up guidelines and topics, etc.
In a Study Group, everyone is a student and everyone is a teacher. A Study Group is not a class, but is a gathering to share ideas and learning experiences. We hope our members will want to join in.
Current Study Groups:
New and Occasional Weavers (NOW)
From Now On Study Group
NEW! Scandinavian Weaves Study Group
Ratings Program
The Guild offers a weaving ratings program for full members. Three levels may be achieved by a weaver: Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master. The program is a valuable study guide which offers critical analysis of your work as you progress and bestows recognition on those who meet the standards.

Shannon Mathers - Master Weaver 2020
The WGB Library is a great collection of more than 1500 books, sample sets, DVDs and videos. We are open to all Guild members on in-person guild meeting days. Visit us on the 3rd floor of the Church from 9:30 AM until 12:30 PM (or whenever the business meeting starts). You can browse the shelves and borrow books. Our catalog is available online to view from home.