Date: March 12, 2025
Instructor: Bettie Zakon-Anderson
Workshop Description: Weavers, let's conquer selvedge angst and uneven results together. With over 40 years of weaving experience, Bettie Zakon-Anderson will share what she considers 'best practices' to improve your weaving. These techniques, often not retained by newer weavers due to the overwhelming initial learning phases, will be presented in a lecture format with visuals. But it's not just about Bettie's ideas. She’s eager to hear your approaches and ideas, as there's more than one way to weave joy!
Supplies: Note taking materials
Materials/Handouts Fee: none
Attendee Limit: 14 +
Instructor Bio: Bettie Zakon-Anderson first fell in love with weaving while taking classes at the Rhode Island School of Design from 1983-85. She was a juried member of the League of NH Craftsmen and several cooperatives and galleries in MA and NH. Bettie is a weaving specialist at Harrisville Designs and a technical editor for Handwoven and Little Looms magazines. She especially enjoys helping weavers gain confidence while growing their weaving skills.
Best Practices - Weaving Tips and Techniques
In-person workshop at the March meeting.
10am - 12 noon